About Us

Hi, my real name is Caitlin, but my mum & dad have always called  m 'Bear' because I've always been into rough & tumble fights and stuff with my dad & sister.

My sister Lottie is younger than me, and we're very close. I wouldn't be surprised if Lottie follows my lead into singing and dancing , as we both attend 'STAGECOACH' and our local Youth Theatre Group.

I've just been re-graded at karate, and have acheived a purple belt with white stripe.

I enjoy swimming, karate, girl guides, and I'm learning to play the guitar. I'm very lucky to have a dad who can play, and my grandad is a full time professional musician (he also gave me both my guitars).

I'm very ambitious, and I'll work very hard to be as good as I can be at whatever I tackle!

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Caity-Bear , singer & dancer

01933 461622